Monday, February 23, 2015

5 Themes Assignment: Part B

An example of an absolute location in Haiti is the coordinates of longitude and latitude of its capital city, Port au Prince, which is 18.5333° N, 72.3333° W. Absolute location is important to make it easier to refer to an exact pin-pointed place on a map so other people can find it with complete accuracy. Absolute locations help people communicate and interact with each other as it provides a means of communication to detect destinations easily amongst different people. Relative locations allow people to give or follow directions from one destination to another, it allows people to get around and map out how long a journey may take and the most suitable form of transportation in which they should use to travel to their destination. As an example of relative location in Haiti, is from Port au Prince to Cap-Haitien is 251.1 km and it takes three and half hours by car.

A place explains what a location is like with human characteristics as well as physical, therefore Haitis' physical characteristics would be described as being a very mountainous country with fertile valleys and has a vast area of contrast between elevations in between mountain ranges. And it's human characteristics would be that they're capital city is heavily populated and cramped with people with many houses and buildings.

Regions are areas that have physical or human characteristics that connect them and make them different or similar to other regions. Haiti is in the region of the Greater Antilles, Caribbean distinguished from other regions because of its mountainous terrain, vast range of elevations and heavily dense population.

Movement is how goods, people and ideas get from one place to another. An example of movement in Haiti are the "tap-tap" buses, which are the most common source of public transit in Haiti getting its name from people tapping their change on the sides of the bus indicating to the bus driver that they want to get off. The buses transport people all over the country, however usually in routes of specific cities.

Human-Environment interaction tells us how people relate to the physical world and how humans can adapt to their environment and change elements of it. An example of this is locals and tourists going for a swim in the crystal waters of Labadee. In this instance humans are interacting with the physical environment that was already their. I think human environment interaction can be used as a profitable gain towards the economy of the country as it attracts tourists, making more tourists come see the country and experience all the activities to do and see involved with the physical characteristics of the environment. Another example is the littering that occurs by tourists on the beaches of Haiti and pollution from all the vehicles in the cities that adapts the environment caused by people, showing the negatives of human-environment interaction.

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