Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Waste Management

In Haiti recycling doesn't exist and waste disposal is vaguely in operation. They do not have the money or incentive to create a municipally organized waste management system due to other more potent issues in their country, such as poverty. Their form of waste management is piling waste along roadsides until an organization by the Ministry of public works called the SMCRs comes by to pick it up which due to the mass overload of garbage can only ever collect just a fraction of the overall waste. They currently use landfills to put the collected waste however due to the vast abundance of waste littering the public streets and cities it is causing pollution to marine life, vegetation growth and, ground water and soil contamination and even sanitary problems. Birds and marine animals are all at risk due to the overload of garbage on beaches and shores leaving the ecosystem in serious danger as citizens burn garbage and plastic as they have no other means of removal only polluting the environment more with toxic gases of CO2 as well as posing serious respiratory and health problems to locals. Although these are ineffective and harmful methods ridding their land of waste, their is no better option available to them, simply due to the cost constraints. Other methods of waste disposal have been offered to the Haitian government as help from aiding organizations from other countries however this puts Haiti at risk for being stuck in contracts with these organizations for thirty plus years as well as going through extensive costs and measures to build incineration factories to burn garbage and plastics properly for fuel and recycling them into building parts. Haiti suffers with their waste issue as it affects everyone who lives in the streets or see's it, somehow it plays an affect on each persons lives. I personally think they should pool their money into creating a proper waste disposal method such as factories for incineration to produce energy because although it will be extremely costly and may tie them down, it will solve a massive issue that in the long run will benefit the running of their country making it cleaner, healthier and more appealing to tourists which will bring more money back into their government. Right now they don't have many options as the conditions and state the country is in waste wise is catastrophic and I feel if external organizations are willing to help their country create these factories they shouldn't think twice as it will only bring a better way of life to it's citizens and ecosystem.

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