Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Energy Assignment Part 1


- Reduces dependence on fossil fuels
- Lessens the need of electricity from utility companies and also results in extra savings
- Clean energy source; solar panels do not release contamination into the environment
Renewable and sustainable energy source, we cannot run out of solar energy unlike energy from fossil fuels which is limited
- Low maintenance as modern solar panels don't involve any moving parts and last for about 20-25 years

- Price to install solar panels on your home are very expensive especially if more than one solar power is required
-Solar energy is only capable of producing power during the daytime, meaning for about half of the day no energy is being transmitted throughout your home
-Solar cells effectiveness; air pollution can effect the intensity of the solar rays reaching the panels, therefore lessening the amount of energy being produced
- Requires a large space for set-up, especially for businesses you may not be able to fit them on the roof of the building to produce the right amount of energy
-Expensive storage; Solar power is utilized to charge batteries for the home or business, so that during the evening hours you will still have access to power. These batteries are heavy and large. A large area is needed to store them, and they will have to be replaced occasionally, which can add to the cost.


-Consistent power; tides move constantly throughout the day, which creates a consistent stream of electricity generation capacity.
-Pollution free; by taking advantage of only the tide, tidal power creates no greenhouse gas emissions or water pollutants.
-Low operating costs; once installed there are few ongoing operating costs or labor costs, unless there is a device breakdown.
-Renewable; no material resources are used or changed in the production of tidal power, making it a truly renewable power form.
-Minimal visual impact; tidal power devices are fully or nearly completely submerged in water, out of sight, this reduces the “damaging of water views” that has been associated with offshore wind turbines.
-Efficient; tidal power converts 80% of the kinetic energy into electricity, as opposed to fossil fuels which convert only 30% of the energy held within

-Device Breakdown; strong ocean storms and salt water corrosion can damage the devices, which could increase the cost of construction to increase durability and/or cause frequent breakdowns.
-Shifting Tides; changes in tidal movement could substantially reduce efficiency of TSGs.
-Marine Life Affected; sea life could be harmed by the blades in the open and Venturi turbines. The floor mounting of TSGs could also disrupt the habitats of different sea life and plants.
-High Initial Costs; the high cost of the different TSGs and cost of installing power lines underwater could lengthen the payback period and be cost prohibitive based on the characteristics and size of each project.
-Few Implemented; there are relatively few commercial installations as compared to other technologies, such as wind and solar farms. As such, additional difficulties implementing these TSG devices could arise.

-Reduced Sea Usage; the potentially larger footprint of TSG farms could reduce shipping and recreation areas.



-Clean source, unlike using coal or oil, creating energy from the wind doesn’t pollute the air or require any destructive chemicals
-Renewable, in the event that you live in a geological area that gets a lot of wind, it is ready and waiting and free
-Cost effective, wind turbines can give energy to numerous homes. You don’t actually have to possess a wind turbine keeping in mind the end goal to harvest the profits; you can buy your power from a service organization that offers wind energy for a specific area
-Use of modern technology, wind turbines are considered attractive and modern looking on your land
-Extra savings for land owners, land holders who rent area to wind homesteads can make a considerable amount of additional cash, and wind energy likewise makes new employments in this developing engineering field

-Wind reliability; wind doesn't generally blow reliably, and turbines usually function at about 30% capacity or so. In the event that the weather is not going to support you, you may wind up without power (or at any rate you’ll need to depend on the electric company to take care of you during those times).
-Threat to wildlife as the edges of wind turbines can actually be unsafe to natural life, especially birds and other flying creatures that may be in the area
-Noise pollution, wind turbines make a sound that can be between 50 and 60 decibels, and if you have to put it next to your home
-Expensive to set up; wind turbines and other supplies needed to make wind energy could be extremely costly in advance, and relying upon where you live, it might be hard to find someone to sell them to you and somebody who can maintain it over time.
-Safety of people, severe storms and high winds can cause damage to the blades of wind turbine. The malfunctioned blade can be a safety hazard to the people working nearby. It may fall on them causing life term physical disability or death in certain cases.

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