Sunday, June 14, 2015

Energy Assignment Part 3

From the three energy types I researched in part one I rank solar power as having the most potential to be implemented in Haiti, Wind as second and Tidal as last. Solar power has the most potential to be implemented in Haiti as it is already in the process of being tested for such use. Haiti receives excessive amounts of sunlight all year long and clear skies on average of 71% a day and would be an excellent candidate for this sustainable and smart system. Wind energy is second because it is also in the experimental stages of being the upcoming sustainable and renewable energy source for the Caribbean islands. Wind power is simple and efficient as individuals do not need to own wind turbines to get power, it is simply installed in general empty areas and can be used for vast locations. Tidal energy would be last due to the fact that the installation of tidal systems are very expensive and because torrential storms and choppy waves are common in Haiti, repairs for equipment may end up being too frequent and too expensive for upkeep.

Solar panels being installed for newly built hospital

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